How Opting for Website Localization Can Be a Game Changer for Your Business

Many confuse website localization with translation and often the terms are used interchangeably. It is true that translation is the first step in website localization; however, the latter involves a lot of other nitty-gritty as well.

What is Website Localization?

Website localization, in simple terms, can be defined as the process of transforming a website in terms of language, images, look & feel, user experience etc. so that it suits the taste and sensibilities of the people of a particular region.

In other words, website localization includes every effort that will make a user feel that the website they’ve visited reflects the ethos and values that they adhere to.

How Website Localization Helps Businesses

1. Helps Drive More Traffic

Statistics reveal that more than 56% users browse the Web in their own native language. Also, according to an estimation, a business must communicate in at least 12 languages in order to reach out to 80% of the world’s population.

The above data clearly suggests that without localization, a business is sure to lose out on a significant number of customers.

2. Influences Buying Decision

Since localization helps give a personalized experience to users, it is particularly effective in building trust. When a user finds a website that speaks their language and is in line with their sensitivities and sensibilities, he/she is naturally inclined to experience more comfort and the trust.

Unsurprisingly, this helps in influencing the buying decision of a user. Statistics also corroborate this fact as more than 46% users never purchase products or services offered to them in foreign languages.

3. Transforms You Into a Global Business

Earlier, transforming one’s business from local to global would involve complexities, along with huge investments. However, today, website localization has made things pretty easy.

In fact, website localization acts as the cheapest offshore office for a business. It is one of the most effective ways to test the waters and subsequently make changes to one’s products and services, based on the response of the users.

4. Reduces Bounce Rate & Improves Search Rankings


bounce rate

All your content on the web needs to correspond to the mindset of the target audiences. Before you begin developing content for your audiences, get insight into their mindset and create content that aligns with it. And make sure there is nothing that makes them feel hurt or unwelcome.

Since website localization is all about enhancing user experience, it helps ensure that everything the user is presented with takes care of their sensitivities. This naturally reduces the bounce rate and improves the search rankings.

To sum it up, website localization offers you a wider pool of customers and helps create a space for yourself in the hearts of users. As the most cost-effective way to become an international business, it helps increase the sales and overall revenue of a company.

If you think website localization is going to be a complicated process involving a lot of money, try Bablic, an easy, smart, and cost-effect website translation and localization service that is specially designed for small and medium scale businesses.

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